przewiń dalej

Our logo

The logo of the “Bory Tucholskie” National Park includes the elements which are most characteristic of this area: water and Baltic pine, with a capercaillie perching on its branch. In the past, the Tuchola Forest was the land of capercaillie. This bird took a liking to pine coniferous forests, especially their damp and swampy fragments. To this day, we can read the notes about its fabulous leks where the characteristic verses of the capercaillie’s song could be heard. Unfortunately, this unusual bird is not present in the Tuchola Forest any longer. Its presence in the park’s logo means a hope for its return and a symbol of man’s humility towards the magnitude and beauty of nature.

What is worth visiting?

“Bory Tucholskie” National Park

Environmental Education Centre

Chociński Młyn 5, 89-608 Swornegacie                                
Mon-Fri: 07.30-15.30

+48 52 33 55 127

Admission free
menities for wheelchair users

Animals’ Show Farm

Chociński Młyn 5, 89-608 Swornegacie                                 
Mon-Fri: 08.00-15.00

+48 52 33 55 129

Admission free
No amenities for wheelchair users

Botanic educational path                                             

ul. Długa 33, 89-606 Charzykowy                               
Mon-Sun: 08.00-19.00

+48 52 39 88 397
Admission free  
Amenities for wheelchair users
Opening hours of the individual facilities may change. Prior to visiting, please check their up-to-date status on the website.

A fragment of the black biking trail

We start our trip in Drzewicz. The route runs over the picturesque lakes of Krzywce Wielkie, Błotko and Krzywce Małe. An interesting fact regarding the Błotko lake is the occurrence of carnivorous plants: greater bladderwort and lesser bladderwort. Plants catch small aquatic organisms using special bladder-like traps, formed by some leaves. Thanks to their special structure and the use of suction force, a prey is trapped and then digested. Behind Krzywce Małe, the trail connects with the “Piła Młyn” blue educational path and two hiking trails and they together lead to Bachorze. Inconveniences on the trails (sand and protruding tree roots) are compensated for by the views.

We can admire, inter alia, an impressive common oak called “Bartuś”. It is the oldest tree within the boundaries of the Park, its age is estimated at more than 600 years. Right next to the trail, on the left side of the road, there is a charming dystrophic lake called Kacze Oko, to which a wooden footbridge leads. In addition to the lake, we can admire surrounding peat bog vegetation and the beautifully preserved habitat of the swamp birch forest. Going to Bachorze, we pass by a beehive log suspended on a tree. It recalls the rich history of beekeeping in this region. In the Park, there are also boxes for birds and bats. The route ends in Bachorze, a former settlement of noblemen, where the residential buildings of farm workers have been preserved to this day. Together with the traditional homestead, they create an unusual atmosphere of this place.

Tourist trails:

Hiking – 5 trails – 45,6 km

Biking – 3 trails – 25,5 km

Horse riding – 1 trail – 5,4 km

Educational paths:

4 trails – 18 km

For persons with disabilities, the Botanical educational path at the seat of the “Bory Tucholskie” National Park, with an area of 0.5 ha, is available.